Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh, the Good 'Ol Days...

I grew up on a peach farm. When Chris and I were growing up, we worked in the peaches. Picking in summer, pruning in winter, thinning in spring, and fertilizing, disking, shredding, and spraying in between. Good times.

Not really.

We hated it.

We dreaded it.

We loathed it.

And now it's time for my kids to experience it. Actually when we were Caleb and Connor's ages, I'm sure we had a blast. I can't quite remember that early though. I do remember when we were a bit older, we'd take out our hot wheels cars and trucks and build cities and roads in the dirt. Complete with underground tunnels. Those were the good times. Then we got old enough to work.

Caleb really got into the whole pruning idea. Cutting off branches from the trees. Must've sounded cool, 'cause he asked to help.

Connor could've cared less about the whole thing. We pulled out a box of old Tonkas and he was set.

Every now and then, Caleb grew tired of the strenuous work.

Moving dead grass and dirt can be a serious business.


britni said...

This makes me miss Gilmer just a little bit! Way to teach them hard work..or try anways! I know how it is!

Sarah Jensen said...

I miss it too. I want a farm!
You know, so my kids can work. Not me. Heehee. :)