Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An Interview with a Six Year Old

1.          Who is your best friend? Jarom   
2.          What is/are some of your hobbies? Play basketball
3.          What is your favorite animal? horse
4.          What is your favorite food? hamburger
5.          What is your favorite dessert? brownie
6.          What do you like to do with your family? Go to Jason’s Deli
7.          What do you want to be when you grow up? football player
8.          What makes you happy? When I get to eat gum
9.          What makes you sad? When I have to stand on the wall at recess
10.     What is your favorite movie? Hugo
11.     What is your favorite book? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
12.     What was the best part of your b-day? When I got to open up presents
13.     What do you like to wear? Polo shirts and khaki shorts
14.     If you could go anywhere for vacation where would you go? To the beach
15.     What is your favorite game to play? checkers
16.     What is your favorite sport to play? football
17.     What is your favorite team to watch? Buckeyes
18.     What is your favorite thing about school? recess
19.     If you had $100 what would you buy? A new house for Mom
20.     What is something that happened to you this year that you hope you never forget? That my cousins Taye and them came to Texas

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