Monday, October 13, 2008

Connor and Cate

They have their own connection.

Mostly their conversations go something like this:

Cate: Get away from me. You're hurting me.

Connor: But I just want to squeeze you to death.

Cate: Well, stop! You're annoying me!

Connor: C'mon Cate. You're fine. Just let me lay on you until Mom sees me. Then I'll get off.

This is what I gather from Cate's screams and Connor's small talk. But this day was different I guess. She seemed to tolerate him for a few minutes. And it looks like they are having some kind of conversation.

Connor: Cate, turn your head so I can check your ears.

Connor: Hmm. They look okay.

Connor: Now look at mine.

Cate: Whatever,dude! I don't want to look at your gross ears!

Cate: Okay. But, for just a second.


Natalie said...

Those are cute pictures!! I love the dialog :)

Jo Jo said...

Ditto on the dialog! Great pics of the kids - Amy Jo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good laugh! Luke does the same thing with Ezra--I mean the lying on and squeezing part--but at least he's not as rough as he used to be!